Viral Australian Olympic Breakdancing Competitor: A Hilarious Take on Judging Performance and Real Talent

Okay, so I’m going to say something that I feel like no one has said yet. The Australian Olympic breakdancing competitor that has gone viral. Mom, have you seen that yet? Yeah. All right. It’s hysterical. I think it’s been that. It’s hysterical. It’s funny. I understand the humor behind it, right? I think I’ve watched it and I’m like, how is this person representing breakdancing for their country? 100%. Totally get it. But you know when people are like when there’s like those memes that are like I’m watching the Olympics and I’m watching breakdancing and I’m judging people while I’m eating a bag of chips and you know, whatever and you know, you wouldn’t be able to do any of that. Honestly, even though the breakdancing was that terrible. I wouldn’t be able to break dance like that. She was doing this. She was like, like I wouldn’t be able to do that. I wouldn’t be able to she was like this. I wouldn’t be able to do that. No way. So I still can’t do that with my boobs. So I kind of like was she good? No, she should be in the Olympics. Probably not. But was she better than me? Yeah, she was. Mom, she better than you? I thought she was better than the entertainment. She was better than we would have been. Bye.