The Safety Guy Showdown: A Tale of Creativity, Risk, and Surrender

So, I go to the safety guy. I tell him this is what I’m gonna do. This is what I’m gonna explain the whole gag to him. Right. The safety guy says, you can’t do that. He goes, that’s too dangerous. And I’m like, uh-huh, uh-huh. And he goes, so I get another safety guy. That was it. And I looked at him, and I’m like… I’m tapping out, because you win. You are the best. Like, there is… At that point, when you get the sa… The safety guy, whose only job is to keep you safe, says, that’s too dangerous, my reaction is, too bad we can’t do that sequence. I came up with it. It would’ve been really cool. Right. His reaction is, no, we’re getting another safety guy. Yeah, yeah, yeah.