Reflections on the Olympics Closing Ceremony and Tom Cruise: A Tale of Mixed Opinions

Hey, so the closing of the Olympics. Way in. Yay or nay on the whole Tom Cruise thing. I’m not sure why they chose him. I’m like, whatever. I don’t want to be like the Repulsa Republicans and bash the Olympics because they were phenomenal. Overall phenomenal, but that was kind of an odd choice to bridge it to LA in 28. Anyway, not a huge fan of his, more so because of some of his antics and his stances. Give him a hard pass on that. But there’s a few movies I do like of his. Top Gun is one and Jerry Maguire. But then I realized it wasn’t him that made me like the movies. It was probably Kelly McGillis. And Renee Zellweger. Yeah, that’s why I liked those movies.