Dancing with Regan: A Conversation with the Silent Performer

?” Everyone, this is Regan. It’s Regan, everybody. Oh, no, yeah, no, Regan. Thank you so much. I have to ask you this. I have to ask you this. How are you feeling since your performance? Oh, my God. Oh, no, no. I see. Okay, yeah. Wait. No, yeah, I understand. There you go. Okay, Reagan. Reagan, okay. Thank you, Reagan. Reagan, I see you speak through your dance moves. I understand. Okay, so is there anything else you’d like to tell us? Oh, yeah, that one. Me? Want me to dance with you? Alright, I can do that. I can do that. Reagan, left. Reagan, everybody, right. Yeah. Rachel Dratch, everybody. Rachel Dratch.