The Ongoing Rivalry: An Australian’s Perspective on the One-Sided Olympic Beef with America

You wanna know the worst part about Australia losing that one sided Olympic beef with America? I’m living in Nashville, Tennessee right now. I love it here, man. Tennessee is lit. But I was out at a pizza joint last night. This is just one example of a million examples this week alone. I went out and got my pizza and the guy’s like, hey man, where are you from? And I’m like, I’m from Australia. And he’s like, oh, so about that Australian break dancer, huh? And I’m like, fuck! We had this coming. We deserved it. I wasn’t one of the haters, honestly. I was like, you know what, America’s probably gonna win. Why would I even talk shit? It’s a losing battle. America’s got more people. They’ve got better athletes. It is what it is. But for some reason, all these kids on the internet, they saw Australia was doing kind of well this year. They’re like, ooh, Australia’s pretty fucking good. And we did do fucking really well for our side. We’ve got 22 million people. We’re a very good sporting nation. But to think we would beat the United States is just a ridiculous statement. And you know what? Here’s what it is. We dug the hole and now it’s time to line it, baby.