Interpreting “It Ends with Us”: A Heartfelt Journey from Page to Screen

girl and her lily tattoo are going to see it ends with us today. when i first heard about this movie i was like i’m not watching that like it’s just gonna be a shitshow but like the more i’ve seen the height around it the more i’m like okay well i’m gonna go. i love this book so much i think it is genuinely a work of art and laugh at me literally laugh at me for saying that i love the book i don’t really know what my hopes are for this movie will it do the book justice? i’ll be surprised but it’s just always nice to see like a book that you love live on screen so just finished the end with us. we’ve not left the cinema yet. we’re just sitting here just trying to cope hey guys so we just watched it ends with us. horrifying. a harrowing experience we maybe cried from the first 10 minutes onwards from the first atlas and lily flashback i was quite triggered. i was so glad there was no ellen writing. so this is what i was wondering if they were gonna do that. well see when i’ve seen her writing she was writing like desi ellen and then they had the clip of her of ellen on the screen but they didn’t address it which i didn’t think they would do. the only reason i’m mad they didn’t bring that up is because the bit at the end of the book because they used to always say just keep swimming and then he would be like you can stop swimming we finally reached the shore and i was like building myself up for that and then he didn’t do it. and i won’t see it again so we’ll be back