Navigating the Legal Tech Landscape: Insights from a Former Lawyer Turned Ecotech Enthusiast

Hi, I’m Yas. I’m 23 and I left a career in law to start to career in ecotech and have been doing that for a long time now. I started in legal tech when I was, I think, 20,21, and I’m 23 now and I absolutely love it. I think it’s such a cool sector to work in. I think the products are so interesting. And I think that if you don’t want to follow a traditional career in law, legal tech is something that you can definitely go into. It’s so fun. There are so many opportunities. It’s so diverse because it’s tech and law. I really just love seeing the different products that come on the market and the products that I get to work on haven’t already been able to tell.

This is an industry that I’m super passionate about and I talk about a lot on my platform. So if you have any questions about legal tech, please ask them in the comments and I will answer as many as I can. But today I thought we talk about legal tech masters because this is something that I’ve seen like time and time again. And I think there’s definitely like benefits, pros and cons to it. I wouldn’t necessarily do a legal tech masters myself because I just don’t see the need. I don’t think it would enhance my career at this stage. But as someone who studied illegal tech masters looking to break into the industry, let’s look at the ways that you could potentially do it. I would say that if you’ve done a master in legal tech, you probably wanna be looking at applying for jobs in the bigger companies with a legal tech.

Because what tends to happen is that, okay, so I feel like, okay, let me just like go back, rewind. If I was hiring for someone for a legal tech position, I won’t. I don’t particularly think this, my Mark, my marketing team, I would hire anyone who hasn’t had experience practicing law. And that is itself is really, I think, important, especially when the product is at such an early Asian early development stage. Because if you don’t understand that legal process, and like I studied law, there’s no way why I studied in my degree has anything to do with practicing that part of law. And I did that. I practiced that area of law for 8 months. I’ve sent. This is insane. How is nanotechnology in this part of tech? And Lord, like it’s so why am I still sending things out on paper? But anyway, so I would definitely say that looking at legal processes and the way that legal things are done is very important before you look at legal positions, even if you don’t wanna practice like in that particular area of law, before you start applying line, you need to have such a good understanding of it. And before your interview, your research needs to be like dead on. Like if you haven’t practiced in the area of law, you better know that freaking ins and outs of the process. What needs to be digitalized? One needs to be digitalized, what products are coming on the market. So I think that understanding and that research is incredibly important for a role in legal tax.

On the flip side of that, it really depends on like why you did your legal tag masters. Like did you do it to create products? Did you do it to like digitialized systems? Like that in itself is very important because for example, I wouldn’t necessarily do that in depth of a research if I was applying for account quite company that was just digitalizing contracts. Like if you’re just gonna digitalize contracts, I wouldn’t see the need to like understand a legal process to such extent because the basic rules of a contract can be very easily understood. And I just wouldn’t put that much pressure on yourself. It was a role like, but again, we should have an understanding of like what you wanna do with that legal check. Do you wanna make a change to the system? Do you want to make money? Do you wanna start your own business? Like you need to understand what you wanna do with that masters before you can break into the industry. And it’s very important to know that legal tech is huge. Like even when you’re in law school and you’re looking at Nexus, that is legal tech, that it, the legal tech actual market is so big. And I would say if you’re looking to break into legal tag, it’s always, it’s good to look at the bigger players in the game. So Nexus info track. It’s better to look at the bigger players in the game, especially if you don’t know like where you wanna specialize or just want a broader piece of experience. That is what I recommend. So remember that everyone in the legal tech community knows each other. So just be polite and respectful and careful of everything you say.