Review and Reflections on The It Ends With Us Film: A Book Adaptation Perspective

I watched The It Ends With Us movie on the weekend so I thought I’d share my honest opinion on it. So I actually really enjoyed the film, I’m not gonna lie. I’ve seen a lot of people say how they were underwhelmed by the film and how they thought it wasn’t great and how it was so rushed and I agree that it was rushed but how else are you gonna fit you know a 300 page book into a two hour film? Before watching I was quite sceptical about Blake playing the role of Lily because I don’t know, I think just like many other people, Blake doesn’t really match the description of Lily. However, it exceeded my expectations and I think the acting was really really good and I think she did a good job of playing the role of Lily. There were a few things that were missed such as the diary entries to Ellen but I was actually really really happy that the diary entries weren’t in it because I found them so boring to read. Like the book was amazing and it’s still one of my favourite books to the day but the diary entries just bored me so I’m so glad that they weren’t in the film. And the things that were missed, most of them had a reference to them as well so it’s not like they were just completely ignored. I’ve also seen a lot of comments saying that the film kind of like brushes over and normalises domestic violence which to be honest I just have to disagree with. Like I don’t think in any way shape or manner does it normalise domestic violence. If anything I’d say the film shows her strength and how she pulled through the domestic violence. And a lot of people are saying that that was brushed over as well but as I said there’s only so much you can fit into a two-hour film when the book is like 300 pages or something. I also have to say that the young actor who played young Lily, I don’t know her name, she did such a good job at acting the role and I think they did such a good job to cast like a mirror image of Lily. The actor for young Atlas as well was so good, I think he did an amazing job and I think that the actor for Ryle was exactly how I imagined him to look and to be. I do think that the film might be completely different to you if you haven’t read the book and to be honest it might be even better because you’re not constantly comparing the whole time but I personally really really enjoyed it and so did my partner so I would definitely recommend it.