Discovering Strength through It Ends With Us: A Man’s Perspective on Domestic Violence in the Movie

This contains some spoilers from It Ends With Us, the movie, but I went opening night with some friends and my husband and I wanted his perspective on what it was like watching that movie as a man. So what did you think of the movie It Ends With Us? I really enjoyed the movie. I went in with zero expectations. Happy to go to the movie, but was pleasantly surprised with just the acting, the quality of the movie. I thought it was a great movie for anybody who wants to go. It’s not just a chick flick. It’s for anybody who wants to watch it. What was it like watching it from a man’s perspective? Again, I didn’t even know where the movie was going to take me. When I realized that there was domestic violence, that Lily was in a bad situation, it wasn’t really immediate that I saw it and understood it until she had some kind of like remembering the reality of the situation. I was really glad that her character was really strong, probably in the book as well as in the movie, and that she took over herself and didn’t let it go on. So do you think this is a movie that’s important for men to watch as well? 100%. I don’t care how small or how big violence is in a marriage relationship or a dating relationship. Any kind of violence against another partner is never okay.