It Ends With Us: A Cinematic Masterpiece – A Review and Reflection

So it is Sunday and I’m finally going to see It Ends With Us in the movie theater because my best friend, she was just like, oh let’s go see a rom-com and I was like, okay, and she got a stick of spurs, it ends with us. As a rom-com. I told her it’s not a rom-con, but come with me to see it ends with us. She doesn’t want to be seen, but best friend who thought this was a rom-con were in line to get snacks. The movie ends with us. If you find yourself in a position, I’ll have somebody who can just fall in love with me. I’m sorry I did you that. Yeah. Thank you, Buck. Mama’s got you. Mama’s got you. Yeah. Yeah. Stops right here, Bubba, with you and me. It ends with us. It ends with us. I had to take a deep breath, come back home, get comfy because I just finished It Ends With Us and it’s not often that I say a movie is better than the book. But this movie is so much better than the book and I don’t want to put down Colleen in that way because I know this story is so special to her and I know everyone’s talking about the controversy with the cast and whatever. But at its core, this movie is so phenomenal and I hope people just forget about the controversy with the cast because the message of this movie meant so much and they executed it so well. I cried. Like, I can’t even lie to you guys. I, like, my best friend was crying. Everyone in the movie theater was crying. There was so many tears shed. And, you know, I read the book back in 2018 and of course it became a huge book talk hit in 2020. And let me just tell you that this movie was done beautifully. Colleen and the cast did an incredible job from the young actors. Sorry, that’s my dog. From the young actors who just represented Atlas and Lily so well. To the older actors from Blake to Justin and I’m so sorry I don’t know the actor for Atlas but they were all just phenomenal. I personally really loved Jenny and Hassan. They bought a light comedic note. But also just a realist. This movie was just really realistic. I will say obviously I wish there was trigger warnings for this movie and maybe at the end, you know, what it would have been nice was like a domestic violence hotline or something added. But to its core, what a phenomenal movie. I’m always very nervous when books become movie adaptions but this book with all the controversy surrounding it, it just, what a beautiful movie. I have no notes. It was just phenomenal from end. And that’s it. Just please if you’re gonna go watch this movie, go in with an open mind. I know there’s so many opinions but yeah, wow. Just wow.