Troubleshooting and Repairing AirPods Charging Issue: A Comprehensive Guide

Hello, people. So today we got this Airport 2020, the Airport Pro. The issue with this Airpod is that it is not charging. So as you can see here, plug that in, no sign of charge here. Normally when you plug that in, it goes right. I have another pair here, which is charging. So I’ll show you that as well. So this one is the good one. So normally it will light up like this, but this one, there’s no sign. So it could be any problem.

So normally these AirPods, if you take out the part, there are two connectors there as well. So these are the connectors, as you can see at the very bottom there. So that charge the AirPods. And this is sometime what happens, they get disconnected as well, or the charging unit here, it gets damaged as well and it gets damage off the main boat. So we’ll have to check that out and see, you know, where is the problem now.

So this is how it looks. So this is the case in and here is the main boat. And hey, I’ll have a more closer look to see if everything is fine.

So these are the two connection we’ll be looking at as well. Here. It charges the pads, but if the pads are not charging, it’s not consuming the charge, then that is another issue.

But if this thing itself is not charging, then the problem all it lays here at this boat, because these are working, is there is good connection there. And this is for the left and right patch. So as you can see here, so there is the connection that goes from here to here and this goes from here to here. So it seems like this is fine, but the problem is mainly here. So it could be either these thing, these connections that might have been damaged. So we’ll have to check. So we will have to check either it can be fixed or not. So for these, we will use the a meter to see every connection is fine. And also this as well, it is for to keep these thing like the this is for the light. So the light is sometime it could be charging, but this connection might have been gone and it will not light up. So people think that, you know, it is not charging, but actually it’s not the case. So let’s see. Let’s figure it out. So we got this a meter to see if the connection are like in if of all the connections are fine, where is the problem? So normally, you know, it will beep if the connection is fine like this, that mean the connection is stable. But if it is not giving us a beep, that means that there is something wrong.

So we will see. We will test it one by one and see where is the missing part. So we will test the connection now and see. So there are the connection outside and inside. So we will see where when you plug the connector, it connects with the inside connector and that connects with the main boat. So we will check it one by one if it bees mean the connection is fine. So that means this one is fine. So we’ll check it one by one.

This one is fine too. All fine. This is done. This is fine. This one is fine as well. The last one. Okay, so that means these are working. So we’ll figure for another problem. So we see where is the problem. Actually, to me here, these things were the be positive where it charges the battery. I think this is gone. There is a big corrosion here. I’ll zoom it now. See here they spread. See there is a corrosion here. So this might be an issue sometime. What happens? You know, we use them quite a lot. And if it is outside in our pocket, if it rains sometime, the condensation goes in and this terminal can easily get damaged or get corroded. So that might be it. That might be the reason that this airport has steps to work.

So we will see if we can get it fixed or it’s good to have a new one instead. Because it depends on the parts as well. Sometimes they are really hard to get because if they are connected with the battery, then it has to be a proper one. You cannot put a, b, c. It has to be the right voltage. If it is a diode, if it is capacitor, so to make things work smooth like so. And it’s a bit risky as well because it’s all the time in our park it in our ears. So when you doing any job with them, you have to be 100% sure that what are you, whatever you do when you’re doing it right.

So we will see if we can advise customer with a new one of this. Because I know it’s gonna be a hard one to get this part together or what we can do, we can give it a little bit of a clean and give it a re, re, rebar it. We give it a little bit of a heat as well. And so, and see if it starts to work, you know, sometimes things works as well. So we’ll try to clean it with the ISO profile. Alkal is a cleaner for these kind of things. So we’ll see if it works. Brush is your best friend here. So 98, still not very well cleaned, you know. So actually the battery and this is swollen. That’s what I see. The problem is see here. So we will see if we have any replacement battery and we can replace the battery and see if it we can get it work. So we got this original battery from another airport, which wasn’t working, but the battery was fine and it’s not swollen. So we will see. We will replace the battery and see how it works. So you will see the difference between this battery and this battery. So this one is a bit swollen. Sea is all bulged like. So this might be an issue as well, Gina. So let’s connect this battery and see if it is working or not. So after replacing the battery, let’s see, it works. The charger is a bit stiff to go in because I repaired that as well. Yeah, at one moment I thought it is not working, but now here or work in fine. That’s a good signal. So all good to go. So that was the battery issues and it’s all working fine now.