Olympic Medal Controversies: Returning Medals and Awarding Bronze

Have you ever heard of someone having to sort of give a medal back in a situation that didn’t involve, you know, cheating or something? And the second part of the question is, do you think it’s possible that they could give them both bronze medals? I like your second suggestion. That’s what my thought was when I was speaking earlier to my husband about this whole scenario. Have I ever heard of someone having to give back their medal? Well, my last Olympic Games was in 2000, Sydney, Australia. Our team actually earned a fourth place finish. However, a Chinese gymnast was found to be underage and 10 years later we were all awarded by team and I were awarded a bronze medal for our team performance due to the Chinese gymnast being found to be underage. So I was a part of this type of scenario, but on the reverse side where we were then rewarded a medal. But we missed out on having that amazing Olympic medal ceremony experience. That’s the thing with Jordan Childs. She actually had the Olympic medal experience and even in that experience there was that iconic image of three black gymnasts standing on the podium. First ever, you know, that this situation occurred, gold, silver and bronze, all black individuals and I think that’s a moment that many people will never forget. It’s just unfortunate the turn of this, of these different events and it’s definitely emotional roller coaster for Jordan and my heart goes out to her.