Black Excellence at the Olympics: Unapologetic Triumph and Resilience

Since we’re in the subject, let’s talk about this Jordan Childs situation. This is really what I’m talking about. Jordan Childs, the Black excellence that we saw at the Olympics this year was like none other. We dominated in most sports. The social media influencing was on 10. Like I was watching while y’all was eating, behind the scenes, your last practices. Like I was following along like none other. The Olympics were on in my house 24 seven. I was at a conference watching the Olympics. Everyone in the conference was watching the Olympics. Like it was Black excellence like none other. And we didn’t have to change where we talk, change where we walk. We could wear our hair the way we wanted to wear it. Our mannerisms didn’t change. Like these athletes showed up unapologetically and we still won. We still beat you at your own game. We still beat you and you’re still mad about it. And you’re trying to take her her medal away because you’re because a white woman’s tears because you’re mad about it. We don’t have to change for y’all. We can be exactly who we are and still beat you and that’s why you’re mad.