Navigating College Dorm Room Life: Embracing Close Quarters, Roommate Dynamics, and Late-Night Debates

The whole point of the college dorm room is not to avoid that, but to learn, to navigate your way through it with this person that is really only in there because you guys wake up around the same time. I think that’s pretty much how college roommates are now selected is what time do you wake up and are you a complete fucking pig? You know, so it’s that that’s the gradation, but I would suggest you are in close quarters. There is no better. You are now in the dojo. You are in the conversation and topic dojo at 10 by 12 room, two twin beds with plastic covering on it. You haven’t slept on shit like that ever. And this is boot camp for learning how to get along with another person that you don’t. I think they should switch roommates every six weeks and throw you into a whole other scenario of political and sociological tumult. And it should always end with like 630 in the morning being like, in theory, socialism does sound good, but in practice, it just never worked. That’s what I don’t avoid it. Dive in head first, feet first and invest in a durable bong.