500 Days of Loyalty: Celebrating Brother Collins as the Ultimate ANTU Channel Superfan

Oh god damn. I’m making this video here today to celebrate brother Collins 21 on being a subscriber to the ANTU channel for 500 consecutive days. Loyalty like that don’t come around no more. People can’t even keep relationships for 500 days. I know a bunch of marriages that ain’t lasted 500 days. Oh but brother Collins has been rocking with me and enjoying all the laughs and great WWE content that we put out for 500. Not only is this man a subscriber but he’s also sent out multiple subscriptions to other people to allow them to use the emotes and get all the great stuff that ANTU likes to bring. This is your boy big back, bald-headed Bobby Lashley coming to you to say thank you brother Collins for 500 days and let there be many more. Join us tonight about 730 p.m. Eastern Standard Time before Monday Night Raw as we have a celebration for brother Collins on his 500th day as a subscriber. Be there, I’ma come beat your ass. Bobby Lashley style. As a note from ANTU this is not Bobby Lashley and this is just me doing a Bobby Lashley voice that I think he should sound like. Everybody have a great day and we’ll see you later. Thank you brother Collins.