The Hardest Worker on the Court: A Journey to Success and Recognition

I feel like I’m the best one every time I step on the court. I give my all. I’m here to win. Team first guy. I think I bring a lot to the league. Honestly I think I bring more fans than everyone. So at the games if I’m there it’s going to be packed no matter what. I feel like I can help any team because every team needs a shooter. I feel like I deserve this spot because I’ve been working hard for 10 years and I’ve played basketball 10 years and I’m ready for a big spotlight and a big stage to elevate my game and take my game to the next level. I work hard. I’m always in the gym every single day. I don’t let stuff get to me. Just keep going no matter what the situation is. I just believe I’m the hardest worker here. I mean I worked hard for it. You could have asked me a year ago if I was going to be here. I would have told you nah. But like hey things can happen man. So I’m grateful for it. I make the most of it. I feel like I deserve this spot because I worked my whole life for a chance like this and you know it’s finally here. So I got to reach for it and do my best. It’s up to God at this point. I’ve done my part. I’ve trained. I’ve F8 right. I’ve just kept my head in basketball studying the game and that’s why I believe I’m ready. I mean I feel like I’m probably one of the hardest workers here. Like they don’t know that. Obviously I’m from Australia but it’s every day for me. Before I go injured it’s two, three workouts a day. Like I live and breathe this. Like yeah nothing more to it. I think my game fits best. You know I’m a pass for a point guard. I can fit around well with these shooters and wings that I can play with. Because I work hard for every single day. I’ve been counting days every single day, stacking days too, getting better every single day.