Shocking Revelation: Donald Trump’s 8th Flight on Jeffrey Epstein’s Plane, Covered in Trump Vance 2024 Campaign Logos

Wait, what does that say? Breaking news, Donald Trump flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane? In 2024? On Saturday, August 10th, 2024, Donald Trump flew in a plane that was previously owned by Jeffrey Epstein to a Montana campaign rally as a crowd listened to Celine Dion sing the theme from Titanic as he was over three hours late? What the fuck? Researchers noticed the visible serial number on the plane because it was different than his usual planes. They then traced the plane back to a previous owner who was Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein owned this plane until 2019 when the plane landed in New Jersey and as Epstein was departing the plane, he was arrested on the airport tarmac by federal agents. In fact, the last thing Jeffrey Epstein ever saw as a living free man was this exact plane that is now covered in wrapped campaign logos that say Trump Vance 2024. The Epstein plane says Trump Vance 2024? Counting his previous seven flights, seven flights on Jeffrey Epstein planes, this is the eighth known Epstein flight that Donald Trump has taken during his lifetime. What the fuck?