Title: Server Training Chronicles: A Day in the Life of a New Trainee

Hello. Hi. My name is Dustin. I’m here to train with you today. Awesome. Okay. I am going to teach you everything that you need to know about serving. Yeah, well I’ve been a server for about 10 years now so it should be really easy. No, it shouldn’t be easy because this is your first day here. So throw everything that you learned for the last 10 years out the window. Let’s get started. Oh, hey Robin. Hey, what’s going on? I’m just wondering like how do we go about requesting time off? My great aunt died. She was 93. She lived a long life. I know. Yeah, that’s very long. Yeah, anyway, so it’s her funeral. Yeah, I would honestly cancel that trip because you only have a 90 day probation before you can request time off. But in the state of California you actually- Yeah, so I would just probably have my family send pictures. Send pictures of what? Yep. So anyways, let’s get started. Let’s go. Hi, I’m Robin. I’m going to be serving you today. Dustin is shadowing. Get closer. So if you have any questions, let me know. Yeah. So what’s on the burger? Oh, so lettuce, tomato. So it’s lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle, and then you can do truffle fries as an upgrade or you can do Cajun fries. Got you. Okay. I’ll take the Cajun fries. Awesome. You can get it next time. Oh, so that’s how you do that. Thank you so much. Oh, one second. What? What are you doing with Sarah? She was just showing me how to do something real quick. No, I’m the trainer. I’m the trainer. She’s a bad influence. She’s always late. She never rings anything damn right. And if I was you, I would stay away from her because you would get another week of training. Yes, ma’am. Let’s go. All right. So you did a really good job today. Any feedback? Yeah, I would just focus maybe on like the cat hair. Maybe take a lint roller to it. Cat hair? And then brush to like brush your hair. Even like maybe an iron wouldn’t hurt. You have any feedback on my work today? Yeah, we’ll talk about that later. But you’re still on the clock and you’re kind of milking it. So cuckoo! Okay, I’ll see you next week. See you tomorrow, actually.