Tech Talk: Galaxy S24 Ultra vs. iPhone 15 Pro Max – A Camera and Performance Comparison

Alright, good afternoon. What’s up y’all? So this video a little different. So I made a comment on the video about their phone. I think it was like a galaxy phone or something like that. Anyway, they got butt hurt. So let me tell you what happened me over the last few days. So what I did, I went to Verisin. I’m already with rising my 13 Pro Max. I was just like, you know what, let me try some Mills. I’m gonna go to the Galaxy S24 Ultra. Cuz I was giving me so much money for my 13 Pro Max, so I’ll just upgrade, you know, so a few hundred dollars and like I got a brand new phone, you know, yeah, I just had a brand new battery put in my 13 Pro Max, but I was like, you know what, I weren’t gonna upgrade, but because I gave me so much money for it, I was like, yeah, why not? So I got a galaxy. Yes, 24 Ultra.

One of the things that I noticed after doing a lot of security updates and updating the phone was the camera, the rear cameras are great. The front camera, in my opinion, again, my opinion, couldn’t compare to my Pixel 6 Pro. He could not compare to my iPhone 13 Pro Max. Now, video quality on the Galaxy S24 Ultra is nowhere near as good as iPhone 15 Pro Max. That’s a fact. In any big tech reviewer will tell you that. It’s very close, extreme close, light on the head list, but it still can’t compare to the iPhone’s video quality. It just can’t. So me doing videos all the time and doing like recording or doing like recording with the family and pictures and isn’t it I was like, you know what my 13 Pro Max cameras just seem to be better than the Galaxy S24 Ultra. So after taking a lot of pics and videos, I just, I wasn’t impressed with it. And it had a cheaper feel in hand then it did the 15 from next, I guess I like a phone that has a little weight to it. I have big ass hands, so I like a phone with no way to it. Yeah, and one of the things with Android, I love Android looking wrong. I love Android. That’s always been my go to. But for the last 2 years, I’ve been with apple and some of the apps on apple or just way more polished, the New York Android. And then battery life on the Galaxy S24 Ultra is phenomenal. It’s right there with the 15 Pro Max right there. Like it’s phenomenal. But again, when it come to the cameras and all that, I just wasn’t impressed at all. Everybody talks about him and that’s cool. What they see, they may see differently than I see, you know, I’m saying cuz, you know, we are different. They are great cameras. I’m not knocking them. I just didn’t like them as much as I like them on my 13 Pro Max. And now that I got the 15 Pro Max, I’m like, man, just cameras is better than the 13 Pro Max. Of course, it’s expected to be to have two years later to acknowledge unit. So this is my opinion, you know, I’m saying, but again, everybody’s opinion is different and that’s fine. That’s what all makes us different, right? I just had my opinion because I already use the same phones and they was talking about and I was like, yeah, and I, yeah now, so right now I love Android. I don’t see my phone. You did. And here’s the other thing. Right now, this video is only at 1080 p, 60 frames a second. So I could go up to 4K60. I don’t need to do that. I’m trying to save a little space, you know, I’m saying so cuz I make so many videos. I do so much editing for like repair videos in this and that. But again, what my IC maybe something totally different than what somebody else see. So everybody gonna have the opinion and that’s fine. I’m not knocking the phones, galaxy phones, that gray phones, iPhones, gray phones, pixel phones, gray phones, but they don’t have good battery life. You got Xiaomi phones, you got one plus, you know, you got, you know, that you hire in Motorolas and this and that. And then you got your y wave phones, you got your Ace Rock phones, gaming phones, like they’re all great phones.

Now, what a lot of people do, they tend to compare lower in Android phones to iPhones. You can’t do that. It’s totally like the process. Everything is totally different. They slow a lot of cameras is bad and everything. If you want to compare Android to iOS, you gotta look at your high end Android phones. Okay? Those are gonna be the ones that can compare to iPhones.

Now I’ve taken cheap Motorola phones and ported Google Pixel camera software to those phones. And then the camera quality is just as great as an iPhone, a Pixel phone, and a Samsung phone. So their little free Android phone, I poured it and boom, it work. I’m like, oh, wow. So a lot of the. So I’ll rock that Motorola one aces if you want Motorola one Ace 5G or something, like that was from Metro a few years ago. It’s like a cheap business phone, right? But I put the camera on and I was like, , that should is crazy that that that the Google that Google camera software can be that good, you know, but nowadays you really can’t do that. You can on some phones, but it’s hard. But yeah, you know, everybody gonna have an opinion. Me, I’m seeing my iPhone right now. All my kids got it. You know, they got iPhone. So it’s just easier for me now. Do I say, yeah, I got my Pixel 6 Pro phone in there is cracked up in the corner. But as far as far as chemical quality, I mean, you can’t go wrong with a high in Android phone and you can’t go wrong with an iPhone. But you know, we can all take pictures. We could all take the same pictures and we all gonna get different results. Regardless of people got the same phone as me or people got at Galaxy S24 Ultra, they got a Xiaomi phone or whatever, it’s all gonna be the same. Yeah, like we’re all gonna have different results, right? Some people’s hands are shaky. Some people hands is not, you know, but you put a phone on a tripod and then and you just sit there and of course, yeah, you’re gonna have great quality. You know, there’s a lot of handheld devices you could hold phones with now. I mean, you know, what I’m saying is the phone that you have on you now probably takes phenomenal kicks, right? And video. So we could sit here and compare all day and it’s gonna be a never ending story, you know. But hey, if you have a high end Android phone, you could take great pics and videos that you’re gonna be happy with. You know, I’m saying with me, with my iPhone, I’m recording on right now, I’m going to take great pictures and videos that I’m cool with. Like, I’m happy with that, right? A lot of people gonna be impressed with it. Those same people could be impressed with your phone too, even though it may be Android. You know, I’m saying, so we can sit here and have an argument all day at the end of the day, it’s the phone that you get is what makes you happy. And I say not that makes somebody else happy, what makes you happy? Cuz that’s your hard earn money that you work for. It’s paying for what you like, right? So I could sit here and I could be like, yeah, not. I’m based on an opinion that my that I had when I used the phone, you know, and I’m a phone geek, you know, but that’s just me. But again, my opinion is gonna be different from yours. That’s a fact. We human. That’s what makes us different. And we was all the same. We would all have same results. That’s not the way we was made, right?