Title: The Impact of Advanced Military Systems on the Ukrainian-Russian Conflict

Welcome to PPR Global. The war in Eastern Europe has exceeded conventional expectations, demonstrating the Ukrainian military’s robust defensive and counteroffensive capabilities against Russian military power, driven by deep national resolve and significant western military support, Ukraine managed to inflict unprecedented losses on Russia, changing the strategic calculus of the conflict. In the war between Ukraine and Russia, the Ukrainian army’s ability to defend itself so fiercely against the Russian army and even fight back was unpredictable before the war. However, today, Ukraine has inflicted the heaviest losses on the Russian army in the last few centuries. Of course, the most important factor in this success is the belief of Ukrainians and their desire to liberate their homeland. The second factor was the military support of the west, especially the Scandinavian countries specializing in anti Russian warfare systems. In this regard, especially Sweden’s assistance to the Ukrainian army and the advantages it offered to the Ukrainian army on the frontline were very critical.

The Archer systems made a significant difference on the frontline. Ukrainian territory has become a dead end for the Russians. The trench and frontline battles intensifying in the da Nets region are becoming more difficult for Putin’s army. The Ukrainian armed forces are effectively using western weapons, tanks and infantry, armored vehicles against the Russian occupation policies throughout Donetsk.

Most recently, a group of Russian military units in the Donetsk region were seen being pinned down by Ukrainian forces and miste s 155 millimeters self propelled howitzer and a convoy of Russian armored vehicles in the Russian unit were uncovered in the forested area of Donetsk, thanks to the reconnaissance of Ukrainian army drones. In addition to this howitzer, a large number of Russian infantry armored vehicles were also observed in this group. After the detection works, it was reported that there were violent explosions in the region as the Russian howitzer advanced in the forested area of Donetsk. The details of the situation were later announced to the press by Ukrainian military units. The press service of the 45th Separate Artillery Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that the Russian artillery and armored vehicle convoy was eliminated using the Swedish Archer 1:00,55 system. The 45th Artillery Brigade also shared images of the destruction of the Russian Ms to howitzer. Other military vehicles in the Russian unit were also allegedly damaged in the attack by the Swedish Archer system. With the destruction of the Russian Ms Dahowitzer and a large number of armored infantry vehicles.

The overall situation on the Donetsk frontline has changed dramatically. The Russian army now seems to be much more hesitant to move its military units in the da Nets regions. So when were these archery systems which changed the overall situation on the front lines in the Da Nets region first allocated to Ukraine.

It should be recalled that the transfer of the Swedish 1555 millimeter self propelled howitzer systems to Ukraine was officially approved in March 2023, while negotiations on the transfer of these vehicles at the public level have been ongoing since August 2022. In the fall of 2023, on the occasion of the day of the Missile Forces and artillery of Ukraine, The Ground Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine publicly demonstrated this self propelled howitzer for the first time in a video. In November 2023, the Swedish Ministry of defense officially confirmed the transfer of eight Archer self propelled artillery systems to Ukraine.

What are the characteristics of these systems? The Archer self propelled howitzer is essentially a sniper system with a high rate of fire, allowing artillerymen to harass important enemy targets at a range of 50 to 60 kilometers. It is a mobile 155 Mimiwata meter, a howitzer that needs less than 30 seconds to mobilize and fire and only 30 seconds to be on the road. It is mounted on an off road vehicle, 8X8, ready for military use. It has a road speed of up to 90 kilometers H. The system needs 20 seconds for deployment and redeployment. Archers can be transported by rail, boat or air. It has a range of up to 650 kilometer on in vehicle fuel.

The system’s Protection features are also quite remarkable. The crew never has to leave the cabin during combat. Archer provides full Protection against NBC threats, artillery fragmentation, mine attacks, an excessive blast pressure. Archer howitzers are equipped with the optional Advanced Multi Spectral Camouflage System. The built in ballistic calculation in the system enables autonomous operation. The automatic electronic fuse setting in Archer is at the level of NATO standards. Fully digitized fire missions in the system minimize the risk of human error and reduce response time. Archer howitzers have easy integration of radios for voice and data communication. The system’s GPS enabled ins provides navigation and precision munitions capability. A firing range of more than 50 kilometer with exceptional accuracy. A rate of fire of up to nine rounds per minute. Fully automatic magazines carrying 21 rounds and modular charges, access to a comprehensive portfolio of ammunition and rapid change of targets in a large firing area are among the features that make archer howitzers indispensable in artillery warfare.

Such systems give the Ukrainian army an edge over an opponent with a much denser military structure. Sweden has provided critical military assistance to Ukraine in this process, providing the Ukrainian army with powerful war machines that will put the Russian army in a difficult situation. In today’s defense industry, Sweden is uniquely capable of producing very powerful and specialized military equipment and war machines. In addition, Swedish made war machines are specialized to fight directly against Russian made war machines, tanks and fighter planes.

The Swedish government, one of Kiev supporters, has provided massive military aid to Ukraine, which has created a sensation on the world agenda. Among the military aid that Sweden has sent to Ukraine, the most notable are Archer artillery systems, CV ninety tanks, STR V122 tanks and RB ninety seven missile systems. According to Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom, Ukraine should receive as many offensive weapons as possible to attack Russian troops. And Sweden should play its part.

In addition to the Swedish Archer CV ninety and STR V122 systems, there are other western systems that have brought incredible success to the Ukrainian armed forces on the front lines. One of them is the High Mars long range missile systems. We don’t think we need to describe high Mars in great detail. We have repeatedly seen these systems, both on the northern front lines and in the war zones extending to Donetsk and Zaporizhia and even up to kurson. They have become the Russian’s worst nightmare and have so far eliminated a large number of Russian military resources. There have been important developments in recent days about these systems, which are of critical importance for Ukrainians.

While western countries are trying to support Kiev against the relentless Russian offensive on the eastern front, Germany has committed to purchase three new M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems for Ukraine. German Defense Minister Boris Pastorius told reporters during a visit to Washington, DC following a meeting with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Thursday that in cooperation with the Americans, they have confirmed that they will purchase three Heimers launchers for Ukraine. Boris Pastoria stated that these systems will come from the US armed forces and will be paid for by Germany. This shocking news will probably have a serious impact on the Kremlin, as we mentioned, the American made HIMARS prove to be very important when they first entered the war in the summer of 2022. The systems fire a salvo of six rockets that hit targets up to 50 miles away, making Russian troop concentrations, command posts and supply centers accessible. Haimars has become a symbol of Ukraine’s military power and the main target of Russian forces.

The United States has supplied at least 39 high Mars to Ukraine since Russia’s full scale invasion began in February 2022. The United Kingdom, Germany, Italy and France have also donated 25M270 multiple launch rocket systems, the tracked version of the high Mars.

As the war progressed, the combination of Ukrainian resolve and significant aid from the west, particularly advanced military systems such as Sweden’s Archer howitzers and US High Mars severely weakened Russia’s operational objectives. This dynamic not only halted the Russian advance, but also strengthened Ukrainian morale and capability, setting the stage for a prolonged resistance with geopolitical stakes higher than ever. The consequences of this conflict will likely reverberate beyond the immediate region and influence future international military and diplomatic engagements. Thank you for following us.