Faith with Action: A Call to Pray and Work for Genuine Change

Stop expecting things from God in prayer if you are unwilling to do the work. St. James says that faith without works is dead. It’s not that works are the prerequisite to genuine faith. No, quite the opposite. That works are the resultant of genuine faith. That if I have authentic faith, faith does stuff. Faith lives itself out. Faith gets to work. Faith says I’m willing to stake my life upon what I believe. And so if I’m just sitting back passively in prayer, waiting passively for God to answer my prayers without actually doing something about it, that faith doesn’t please God. That faith is lacking substance. That faith is lacking sustenance. So combine your prayers with practical tools of action. And you’ll be surprised how many of your prayers actually get answered. Because authentic faith will always translate into action. So say a prayer, but then get to work. If you want to put your faith to work, sponsor a child living in extreme poverty with Compassion International. The link is in my bio.