A Case for Robert Kennedy Jr.: Breaking the Two-Party System and Electing a Truly Caring Leader

We’re going into an election with, I think, two very, very weak choices and one seriously excellent choice. My good friend for 40 years, Robert Kennedy Jr., who I believe has been completely maligned in the popular media and in elite society, if you call it that, made to be someone who’s absolutely not. He’s a good man, a calm-headed man, a well-read and a thoughtful man, a man who really, truly cares about people. I’ve seen it over and over again. He’s had a long career of running big organizations that have not only cleaned rivers, but he’s cleaned out and taken on dirty government bureaucracy. He’s taken on corporations that were long entrenched in practices that were nowhere close to the people’s best interests. He’s learned to care about our interests in a way that very few people have. People say, well, an independent could never win, but no one thought Donald Trump could win. No one ever thought the government would lie to us the way they’ve been lying to us. You’ve got to break the back of this two-party system and bring in somebody who has been on the inside of the government in Washington and way on the outside. Nobody’s had the breadth of experience that he has. This is a really, really good man. I’m voting for him. And I wish you would vote for him. I wish you would demand that the media puts him on a debate stage with President Trump and Vice President Harris and let them all show you who they are together on one stage. And I promise you, you will see Robert Kennedy Jr. become our next president. Thank you.