Rate My Boyfriend: The Truth Behind Tyler and Peter

Okay, I think I finished writing it. It’s called a rate my boyfriend.com. Oh Tyler Two stars Got me into tiny pieces so I had to break his heart So narcissistic fairy tale that he took way too far Oh Tyler Two stars Peter Four stars My picture-perfect little boyfriend except for that last part and judging by these new reviews He may have lost his spark So Peter Four stars Let’s get our shit together and start racking up reviews So every pretty girl could know what they’re getting into Cuz I wish I could warn you what that new boy is capable of doing To And I wish you could warn me That’s why we need a my boyfriend Read my boyfriend calm Read my boyfriend calm my lovely Really gets me in a way that no one else could understand Do I know first to see this side? How am I supposed to know He Is First to show Bros keeping us from getting An index of what we’ve So let’s get our shit together Racking up reviews So every pretty girl could know what they’re getting into Cuz I wish I could warn you Boy is capable of doing To I wish you could warn me That’s why we need a Boyfriend calm Read my boyfriend calm Read my boyfriend Calm Pending