Rising Champions: A Look at Recent Victories and Future Challenges

Alright, yeah, fantastic champions. Let me look him back at us after we got up ahead of him and look, probably got a small, but he looked me. Probably haven’t got another games and we’ve managed to manage to take that look and and look but we’ve only got two points. So we preparing it this time. So it kind of keeps going to little me. I.

Know you’ve got tip in eight days time and we come to that. But the explosion of emotion at the end of that game after Horgan buried dependently. Are you able to tap into that, right, what we saw there from the court people?

Yeah, but you looked, that’s up to us to kind of harm city to another meeting. We need to answer with those performances and that type of effort from the team and looking for us. They gave everything today. And look, that’ll understand them good going forward and, you know, plenty of confidence that you can live with the best teams of the country, but that has to be your level of performance all the time.

You’ve been making improvements over the last couple of years, but you haven’t got a monster last year. Today, if it didn’t go right past, there’s a lot of pressure on you. Did you feel that this way?

Never been my dream job to be involved in this. But look, I really enjoy the people that I’m working with, enjoy the players that I’m working with. And look, you just have to roll with it. And look, sometimes, look, that’s what sport does. On your, on the back foot. We were on the back foot. But there’s nothing better to be able to kind of respond to that. And that’s what makes me so proud of the players.

To. Yeah, you must be extraordinary proud of that. Let’s come back to the recovery at the end. But the first half is brilliant.

Very proud of the players from their attitude as we came back. Look, obviously, look, I see what they’re doing every night. They committed training and see what they’re giving, same as every other country. Players give absolutely everything to it. And look, every year you could only have one team as champions all the time and it makes everyone else look a kind of bit inferior or maybe done up, put in the same effort what they are. It’s just that you’ve come up, you’re coming up against an absolute super team in numeric and it makes you look a bit, you know, that you’re not being successful, but looks on our job to kind of keep pushing them and pushing them and we got a victory today. But look, that’s only, look there four points, we only two were still below the table. So look, Tipperary is the main focus. So go forward.

You got serious joy from Patrick on with long pockets in the first half. Brian Haze, that beautiful touchdown, first goal, second goal came from a 2. That’s something I must give you a lot of, you know, you must be very pleased off back. And I thought you obviously worked on.

I would look, I suppose something we’d look, you’re trying to work on everything. Do you know what I mean? But look, it’s, it’s, I’m trying to have various, you know, upper coats and I think that’s the key to us is just have very variation what we’re doing, but look at how, look at the workers, you know what I mean? It’s going to be a deprecable. You have to run us off if you have to be hunting the ball, you have to be physical and attack. And I didn’t get turned over. You have to be able to train track for this back. And I thought that was one of the areas that we were excellent. We put limit on the pressure going back to field. But look, they’ll still create scores. And look, we probably gave him two handy goals, two handy turnovers, but they took full advantage of that.

We thought, and turned to screw in Ennis in 10 minutes and fit that game in his head. They did it. 10 minutes to go here, planning her goal, putting them a Point Clear. How did she turn that game around again? Because Shane Kingson’s introduction was a big one. What else did you do?

Looking, he got a yellow card. And this was, look, we were after, we don’t 14 in the last two games. We just felt looked at very hard that length of time to be able to kind of, to be able to hold up with a yellow card against the Lakes limit when you get an opportunity. And look, we know you’re a fantastic replacement, great worry for car holding and to really lead over in our group. I look affairs to Shane, if I, Shannon, bring Washington commanding, give us a nice bit of a bones.

What are the next couple of days like in advance in a temporary game? Cuz there’s nothing London. You know, we saw the glory days coming out from Bruce at the end, the fans and join it. But you guys can’t. Yes.

I know. Look, look, look, you look, look, let’s look. Performance and the manner of victory. But look, we’re back in the gym and tomorrow morning at 12:00 recovery session and ready to go for two prayer. Trying to get ready to go for 2 prayer in there saying, which would be a fantastic. Yeah.

Well, don’t pass nothing trusting you.