Discovering a New Favorite Drink: Raspberry Puree Twist and Taste Test

I really did not think people would care this much, but the amount of comments I have been getting in the last week since I tried this drink on whether or not I have had an allergic reaction to it or not is crazy, so here’s an update I did not have a reaction to this I also did do some research and like this comment says I’m almost positive that in the US they do have to disclose if there are any other ingredients it says raspberry puree so they would have to disclose if there’s anything other than raspberry in it so I’ve now found a new drink I can have the only drink that isn’t just water so let’s make a fun drink with it POV I guess we’re not using champagne glasses adding some of the jam I made sorry ok taste test it’s good, it’s nice because the drink is already great not too carbonated not too strong but also not too watery and this just adds a little extra fun it’s very good also this is who was laughing with me