Unlocking Vanderbilt’s Recruiting Potential: The SEC’s Hottest Hotbed in Nashville

I’ve been on the vouch for Vandy on my show as of late because here’s the reason why. It’s the SEC. You’re in Nashville. This should be one of the hottest hotbeds of recruiting to introduce players to Nashville and what Vanderbilt’s capable of. Easily. It frustrates me. You go to Tuscaloosa. Ain’t nothing. Nothing! Even in Athens, Georgia, there’s nothing there. You got the hottest city in the SEC. And if I’m being real, ain’t too much in Knoxville. Besides that one strip that y’all got. When the summer hit, there was nothing going on. I 100% agree. Everybody else has a college town except for Austin now with Texas coming in. Missouri and Kentucky and… I mean what we talking about? Nashville.