Unlocking the Potential of Your Coffee: Avoid These Common Mistakes for Better Brain Health

three biggest mistakes you are making with your coffee. If you’re new to my channel, hi, my name is Robert Love. I’m a neuroscientist and I specialize in helping people prevent Alzheimer’s disease with science. First, I want you to understand that coffee is great for your brain. Coffee helps reduce, specifically caffeine, helps reduce the accumulation of amyloid plaque in the brain. Amyloid plaque is the hallmark sign of Alzheimer’s disease. Coffee’s also associated with increased focus memory and attention, and coffee’s rich in polyphenols. These are really good for your gut bacteria. Here are the biggest mistakes most people are making with their coffee. Number one, people are drinking coffee at the wrong time. Some people are drinking coffee as soon as they wake up in the morning. You don’t wanna do that. Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman shared that you wanna wait 90 minutes to two hours before drinking coffee. That allows your brain to naturally wake up so the coffee’s actually more effective and this actually helps reduce the afternoon crash. So try to wait 90 minutes to two hours after waking before drinking your coffee. Don’t drink your coffee as soon as you wake up. Mistake number two people are making, they are drinking conventional coffee, not organic coffee. In the United States, coffee is the second most pesticide crop. Cotton is number one. So I don’t recommend conventional coffee because it can have pesticides in it and those can be neurotoxic. Look for organic coffee, ideally light roast organic coffee. Lastly, mistake number three, this one might be the biggest mistake people are making. It is adding dairy to coffee. There’s a protein in dairy that binds to the polyphenols in coffee and this reduces absorption, this reduces the health benefit of coffee. So if you like coffee and you want the health benefits of coffee, do not add dairy to coffee. Instead, try adding MCT oil to coffee and blend that up. That’s a really healthy fat that’s great for your brain and it won’t reduce the polyphenols in coffee. I love you, God bless you.