Unexpected Pregnancy Drama: Secrets, Support, and Surprises

Come pregnant? When? How? All right, when? I don’t know, Jack. I don’t know. She hasn’t exactly come right out and admitted it yet. It can’t be. Not Cindy. Well, anybody can make a mistake. Hey, I know she’s accident prone, but that’s carrying a lot of weight. Okay, fine. You want to make jokes? Well, you don’t care? Janet, of course I care, but there’s nothing to care about. I mean, if Cindy were pregnant, we’d be the first to know. Or at least the second. Look, why are we standing here for? Let’s go ask her, okay? Okay. Your old maternity clothes are just what I need. I knew I could count on you, Mary. And a crib? Oh, that’ll really come in handy. Gosh, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. Oh, my God, she really is pregnant. Oh, my God. Janet, what are we going to do? Well, we’re not going to say anything for starters, Jack. I mean, obviously she doesn’t want us to know. Yeah, yeah, you’re right. You’re right. Okay, well, just be understanding and considerate, and above all, try not to upset her. All right. Are you okay? Okay? I’ve never felt better. Nothing like a good door slam in the face to pick you right up. Listen, what are you doing standing up? You should be lying down. I want you to get into your bed. Now, come on. I’ll bring you a nice cup of hot chocolate and a pickle. Oh, please, Jack, let me take care of this. Cindy, I’ll get you something that’s real nice and nourishing. Oh, I’ll get you something that’s really nice and nourishing. Oh, I’ll get you something that’s really nice and nourishing. Oh, I’ll get you something that’s really nice and nourishing. No, thanks. I’m not hungry. But what about the little one? Well, if Janet’s hungry, I’ll be glad to fix that. No, Cindy, please, you need your rest. You go lie down. Yeah, now, come on. Let’s go and watch the pet. But, Janet, eat that. Okay, now, sleep tight. Oh, Janet, I don’t think I can survive nine months of this. I’d like just 10 minutes alone with that dog. Please, Janet, one pregnant roommate is enough. I’ll take care of it. Jack! Calm down, Janet. What do you want? There’s nothing we can do. Oh, yes, there is. What? Call him up. Call him up and tell him that this baby is his responsibility, too. And that he can’t just go walking away from Cindy. And that if he’s any kind of man at all, he’ll marry her. You’re gonna tell him all that? No, you are. No, Janet, I can’t. Stop it. Stop it. Hey, are you Doug Cooper? No. Thank God. Excuse me. I’m Doug. Are you Jack Tripper? Yeah. Have a seat. Don’t tell me what to do. I think I’ll have a seat. All right, start talking. You just couldn’t keep your hands off Cindy, could you? Look, I was just trying to do her a favor. Babe, I thought it would be good for her complexion. She didn’t even thank me. Thank you. Hey, Jack. Let me tell you something. You can’t just play around with somebody’s affections and expect to get away with it.