Analyzing Titans Rookie Offensive Tackle J.C. Latham’s Preseason Debut: A Mix of Promise and Areas to Improve

Titans first round pick offensive tackle J.C. Latham made his debut in the preseason game against the 49ers. I just got done watching it. Let’s talk about it because it’s a, it’s, it’s pretty clear he needs some more work. On the first play here, the Titans lineup to run duo, meaning J.C. Latham and Peter Skronsky are going to double team the defensive tackle in front of them and J.C. Latham is then going to work up to a linebacker and Latham is going to do a fantastic job on the double team, really showing off that size and strength that he possesses just completely moving the defensive tackle in front of him, along with Skronsky. However, there’s some good here, but there’s also some bad cause he, I think he gets a bit too ahead of himself and he forgets to go and seal off the linebacker here. I don’t know if he forgets or if he just kind of starts tripping over himself cause he’s beating the guy so bad, but you can even see him start to like reach back like, oh man, I missed my block. Either way, some good, some bad in this rep, which was most of his game, to be honest. On this next play, the Titans are on the five yard line. They line up in 12 personnel, which is two tight ends, one running. They’re going to run inside zone. And what Latham has to do on this play is get hands on the defensive tackle in front of Skronsky and then work up to the linebacker. But instead of doing that, he unfortunately just blocks Skronsky instead of moving up and yeah, the, the play’s just over at that point. At first I thought it might be trap, but it’s not. I think he’s just a rookie mistake and he forgot what gap he was supposed to go to or what his responsibility was. But now we get to a really nice rep where I can just compliment him. He’s going to be in pass protection against 94 here, and he does a really great job for one, keeping a really nice foundation with his feet on top of the good base. He’s not leaning. He’s got good form. And then the most important part is he attacks the defensive end’s chest. And from there, he’s able to get into his chest, bring him to the ground. Just a fantastic pass rush snap by Latham. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same about the next pass rush snap. Now again, he does another good job of good feet, good set here. And he goes to once again, attack this defensive ends chest, but 94 does a really good job of swiping at Latham’s arm here and then Latham gets caught leaning and the defensive end is able to rip around him. Luckily, Levus found the check down, able to get the ball out quick. Doesn’t result in a sack on this next snap here. Footwork gets a little walkier than it has been, but still overall fine. But the issue with this rep is he doesn’t get into this defensive ends chest. He’s catching 94 rather than punching him, letting him get into his chest. And from there, he’s able to get pushed back into Levus. But luckily, Levus is able to stay strong in the pocket. Again, doesn’t result in a sack. His next play here is inside zone. And we’re seeing some development because instead of blocking his own lineman, he works up to the second level and gets a great block on the linebacker. Yes, the play was away from him. However, big game for the Titans. And here’s even more development. The Titans are running inside split zone. He’s going to do a great job coming down to block on this defensive tackle. And then moving off the tackle instead of sticking with him and moving up to a linebacker to help lock and to help get Tajay Spears into the end zone for a touchdown. So again, Latham definitely needs some work, but you saw some flashes and he’s still a young rookie. And I still trust Bill Callahan to coach him into a pretty good left tackle as he does with most offensive linemen.