Finding Forgiveness and Empowerment through Adversity: A Journey of Healing and Transformation

What’s up? We just did a live Zoom with over 500 people and I wanted to send this message out. If you are struggling with forgiving yourself or forgiving someone else, this might really help you. I hope it does. Check it out. I wanna give it to you. Keep going. Peace. Tell me what happened and your interpretation about what happened. My story was that my dad was drunk and that he abused me verbally. He would get drunk and around 7 p.m. he would sort of have a loop in his head of things that had happened to him. He would start to scream at me things about my mother and he would get kinda out of control by nine and then eventually I would just snap. I’d end up breaking something or put my hands through something like a glass mirror or anything to scare him off that I wouldn’t hurt him but I would let him know that he can’t continue to behave that way. That went on for probably seven or eight years of kind of developing that PTSD from that. What did it mean about his love for you? The answer to that question, it means it was complicated like all love is, I suppose. Our story about what happened is not real but we can live as if it’s real for years and years and years and years. So what we wanna do right now, Miles, is divorce those. We wanna move those apart and most people never do this, right? They have them overlapped. They think what happened in their story, they think their story is real. So your story love is complicated is not real. You made that up. Now you’re probably a child at the time and so we don’t blame you, right? What happened is still true. He did hit you. You did break mirrors. Oh, that shit really happened, right? And it did go on for seven or eight years but what is a new story you could tell about that that would be more empowering to you? What gift do you possess because of your father? My art, my songwriting. Say more. Well, now I get to make music for hundreds of thousands of people that listen to me and my story connects me to all of them and it’s the only reason there’s depth in there and connects me to everything. It’s my connection. It’s the thread. That’s right. So close your eyes for me. And everyone else, I want you to just send Miles some love and I want you to feel pure and total forgiveness for dad. Oh, dad, you put some challenges in my life, dad but you also put a lot of blessings in my life and you also gave me my life and who you are now is a beautiful guy and it’s because of some of these challenges. Thank you, Mike, for being a, you’ve been a huge, huge influence on my life. So I’m grateful for you, man. Thank you.