Immersed in Edinburgh: A Theatrical Adventure at the World’s Largest Performing Arts Festival

Today I’m heading to the largest performing arts festival in the entire world. I have been obsessed with going to Edinburgh, for instance, my high school theater teacher told me about it. And today was finally the day. After four jam packed days in London, my friends and I hopped on a train up north. I took a little nap, enjoyed the views, and before I knew it, we were pulling into Waverly Station. My first priority, some food. We went to Oink for pulled pork rolls, and obviously I had to grab an iron brew, it was so good. Then met up with the final person in our group, Grace Walker is here. And it was time to head over for my first show of the day. It was at Traverse, which is an iconic theater, so it was the perfect first Fringe show. And I was seeing the history of Paper, which was a new Scottish musical. Longer video to come on this one. I then learned I had 15 minutes to make a 30 minute community. This would not be the first time I made that mistake. But I learned how the buses work, and I made it just in time to Pleasant’s Courtyard to see Sophie Duker, but daddy, I love her. Edinburgh Fringe is known for its standup comedy, and Sophie was literally the only comedian I booked. And I’m so glad I did because Sophie is so funny, and I love the show so much. We then headed over to Underbelly Calgate for two shows back to back. The first was Diva Life from Hell, which I adored. It was campy and glorious, and Luke Bear was so good. Then got back in line to come into the exact same theater to see Diary of a Gay Disaster, which was a literal gay fever dream and featured one of my favorite songs of the entire Fringe. Everybody wants to be gay. It was the perfect first day of my first Fringe. And a good warmup because day two, I had double the amount of shows.