Renewing Your Mind: Seeing Others Through God’s Eyes and Practicing Compassion

Our job is just to be the light of the world and love people and want the best for people. So when we see people be mean to us, do bad things, maybe their personality is irritating to us. When we see that happen, instead of like being a judge, being judgmental and coming up with theories, like, oh, they’re choosing to be this way. We don’t know all that. Only God knows. So let us not go there with our thoughts. Let our thoughts be pure and want the best for people because that’s what God wants. Even murderers have not gone too far to be redeemed. Like Paul was a murderer. So imagine if God is seeing Paul, who used to be Saul, he’s seen Saul with such hope and such a good light, wanting the best for him. How about for everybody else who even aren’t murderers? So if God can do that for Paul, who was Saul, God wants me to see this person in that light. And just having that understanding, we don’t know people’s past. We don’t know why they’re the way they are. We don’t know the kind of generational curses in their past that have led them to be this bitter, this hateful. We don’t know the generational curses they have that they couldn’t even help it. They were born into darkness because of that. We don’t know about the abuse they went through, the trauma they went through. We don’t know. And what we do know that the devil is so after people’s lives, everybody. So when we find someone that is hard to love, it’s safe to assume that they’ve been through things that they were things that happened that led them to be this way. And so that should immediately bring us to compassion. So to renew your mind is what you should be doing. Just renewing your mind to see people in the right way. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Think the best of them. That’s what Jesus does. That’s how Jesus has looked at you. When you were at your worst, he saw you at your best. He saw the best of you. He saw that deep down, your heart was good. He saw that deep down, your eyes just needed to be opened up. You just needed to have revelation of his love and you would change your ways, your wicked ways. Just renew your mind to that and just renew your mind to how at work the devil is in people’s lives.