Title: The Tense and Terrifying Adventure: A Game of Scares and Secrets

I need to see what’s happening. I’ve made a grave mistake. Back, brother! Move backwards, brother! Does it ask me to follow it? Maybe it has Chip and Mike. I don’t like how my heart’s beating like that. Oh, we’re gaming! Escape? Is brother coming? Brother’s probably coming. Oh, he’s coming! He’s coming! Brother’s coming! Brother is coming! AHHHH! Okay, I’m going… Oh, I don’t know what the frick is going on with them. Go, move, move, move! The pit, the pit, the pit! Hide, hide! What’s happening? There he is. It’s like a portal. Oswald, what were you thinking hiding that nasty old thing? Didn’t you hear me call on you? AHHHH! Dad! Dad, no! He stole my dad?!