Recognizing the Signs of Cocaine Use: A Personal Journey to Recovery

Five signs that somebody is high as fuck on cocaine. These are five signs that somebody is using coke. And a lot of times you don’t realize that somebody is a coke addict until it’s too late. Until they’re bumming money from you, stealing money from you, getting whatever they can from you to keep getting high. The five signs that somebody is using coke is first one is they are going to be fucking moody motherfuckers. They are up and down. When they first hit that first line of coke, guess what? It’s gonna last in their system for about 15, 20 minutes. They have big mood energy. They have a lot of excitement. They are gonna talk your ear off about absolutely nothing in circles and circles with all the enthusiasm in the world. And then all of a sudden they’re going to pull away. They’re gonna become a little bit quieter, a little bit quieter to the point that they become lost in their own thoughts because they’re now going through the withdrawal side of it where all of that dopamine now has left them. The next sign is that they’re gonna constantly be messing with their nose. Even though you’ve never asked them what’s wrong with their nose, they’re gonna tell you that they have sign issues. They’re gonna tell you that there’s something just wrong with their nose because they are so paranoid that you already noticed something. Because one of the things that coke does is it actually makes your jaw and your mouth, along with your nose, usually go numb because of what it’s cut with. Another sign that somebody is using coke is that they’re gonna constantly be disappearing. Whether it’s to the bathroom, they’re gonna have irritable bowel syndrome, whatever it might be because they have to constantly get away to keep using. Because once that high goes away, you have to keep using. Otherwise, all it is filled with is depression, it’s filled with anxiety, it’s filled with all of this. So you have to be aware of that. They’re gonna have the big mood energy. You’re gonna notice that when they are high, they have energy that fills up the room. People wanna be around them. They are charming. They are somebody different than who they normally are. And you’re wondering what the fuck is up with them, but it sucks you in because of where they are so mood-wise. And then the last one is is that they are gonna constantly either be drinking stuff, they’re not gonna eat any food, and they’re gonna be sweating a lot because it does raise your heart. You’re gonna notice that depending on how much they’re doing, they’re not gonna have any appetite whatsoever because the stimulants do affect your appetite, and that they’re gonna constantly be drinking because they get into dry mouth. A lot of times, this is where actually alcohol and cocaine is mixed together. I share because I was a cocaine addict. Alcohol and cocaine were my drugs of choice. 7-25-17 is my sobriety date, man. It’s one day at a time. It is doing everything you can that you once did to get drunk and fucked up to get sober. Man, it’s putting all that energy into your sobriety, finding what works for you, whether it’s inpatient rehab, outpatient rehab, treatment centers, therapy, therapists, medication, whatever it might be. Finding whatever works for you and giving that all into it. And believe me, it does work and it does get better, but it is a fight. It is a battle for the one going through it right now. I am proud of you. Don’t give up. It will get better. I promise you that.