From Chaos to Clarity: A Mother’s Journey through Urgent Care and Personal Transformation

to take my daughter to urgent care today. And today was one of those days where you know when you wake up and you just hate the fucking world, everything is pissing you off and it feels as though like everybody’s out to get you, everybody’s hurting you. Yeah today was one of those days and so I’m just getting over being sick, I’m not properly hydrated enough, I’m moving through some fucking core family wounds, my daughter’s birthday is tomorrow, I now need to clean the house and get all of the stuff and today just happens to be a kind of a lot right? So I’m also trying to be aware of the fact that I know what it’s like growing up and having all of that pressure put on you so I’m aware that my daughter is with me and she’s also not feeling good. So we get to urgent care and the pissing mood that I’m in, we get put in a room and the nurse or whoever the person is that does all of the stuff with you first was so rude, was kind of a jerk, all right? If I’m being honest, was kind of a jerk and I remember sitting there going ugh ugh this sucks right? And then the awareness came in of well that’s just your fucking perspective. So it makes perfect fucking sense that the situation would be created so that your mind could be like see everybody sucks today, this is why I hate the world today. So I brought that perspective to my daughter and I said mom’s pissy attitude today kind of attracted that in so right here right now mom’s gonna change that and the doctor that comes in the room is gonna be fabulous, is going to really listen, is going to validate you, is not going to just treat you as a number which we don’t even get me started on the health stuff okay guys? What walked in? The exact doctor that I said. When we get real radically honest about our lives and how much we’re responsible for and how much we actually fucking create based on all of the shit that’s going on up here, I mean dude it’s mind-blowing and I’m seeing it more and more now of like I’m calling the shots. I am literally calling the shots in every moment and if there’s a moment that I’m not really fucking liking it’s kind of like what’s uh what’s going on Ash? What’s going on? Let’s touch base, let’s check in, let’s get real sexy with this evolution. Going through a transformative process so have some grace for yourself. This is like this is wild shit isn’t it? I love you.