Empowering Women: Focus on Yourself and Thrive Beyond Relationships

I know we’re waiting for part one of who the F was I dating, but I honestly don’t have that for you. And so that young lady found out, she posted a video of her man, and then found out that he was cheating. Someone dropped in her DMs to let her know that, hey, if he was your man, he wasn’t last night. Which is why I will never post my man, because if I got to take an L, I promise you I’m not gonna take that L on TikTok. I might take it in real life, but I’m not gonna take it here. And as a woman that has taken that L on a marriage of 20 plus years, you’ll be fine, you’ll be fine. In fact, all of us will be fine. If, if, if, you focus on yourself. If you’ve set your life up so that you’re fine. I never stopped getting degrees, I never stopped working, I never stopped living my life while I was married. So when my marriage broke up, I was fine. Was I hurt? Yes. Was I sad? Yes. Was I angry? Incredibly. Did I almost do some stupid shit? Yes, I did. Thank God I have friends that taught me off of that ledge. But the things that I have accomplished since that divorce, the things that I have accomplished since that divorce, the places that I’ve been, the experiences that I have had, the men that I have loved and have loved me. Like I would never trade any of that. Like life is amazing for me. And what I want, especially for younger women, because I’m 53, getting ready to be 54. What I want y’all to do is focus on yourself and less so on the man. Focus on your life and doing all of the things that you need to do so that when that relationship starts going left, you don’t feel stuck. And you know that even if it ends, you’ll be sad, but you’ll be fine. You’ll be sad, but you won’t be broke. You’ll be sad, but you and your children’s lives will be pretty much unaffected. But that takes planning. And that takes centering yourself. And that takes making sure that you do the things that you need to do for you first.