Title: Understanding the Process of Maturity in Ministry: Insights from Ephesians 4

Today we’re gonna be talking about something that I think I finally understand after or have some understanding after all these years. So when I was young I used to think that I couldn’t share you know the gospel, the good news, until I knew everything about the Bible, until I knew until I was equipped myself to be able to teach someone else. I thought I was not able to do it you know. I was I thought I had to wait until I knew everything to be able to teach, which that’s not the case. In Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 through 13 it says this, and he gave the Apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds, and teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry for building up the body of Christ until we all attain to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God to mature manhood to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ so that we may no longer be children tossed to and fro by the ways and carried about by every wind and doctrine by human cunning by craftiness and deceitful schemes. So that was 11 through 14 actually chapter 4 of Ephesians. And we talked about this at church, our pastor went over this. In verse 11 it says, I wrote this down, what he shared, verse 11 talks about being mentored by the leaders of the church which are the Apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers. So that is verse 11 be mentored and then it says to equip the saints. We are the saints, we are the children of God, that is us. We did not earn that title, that title was given to us by Christ for dying on the cross for our sins. So that title cannot be earned in Christ that was given to us by Christ. So to equip the saints is talking about being mentored from the elders of the church to equip the saints which are us to go and do ministry. You know, it says equip the saints for the work of ministry to build up the body of Christ. And then in verse 13 it says to grow in maturity. You know, it says until we all attain to the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God to mature manhood. Be mentored, do ministry, then mature. I had it backwards when I was younger. I thought I had to be mentored and be mature before I could go do ministry. But no, we mature through doing ministry. I, when I first started doing these videos I didn’t know what I was doing really. I mean I still am growing, I’m maturing. But at first I had no idea what to do. So I just started reading a verse and asking God what I should share about that verse. Now I’m starting to get more comfortable in maturing and what I’m doing. It’s not the other way around. You know, we mature through experience and we just have to go out there and minister even though we’re young, you know, in our experience of ministry. But we will mature the more we do it and we must be equipped by the elders, you know, get them to teach us a little something before we go out there and start, you know, saying nonsense. And which I definitely am grateful for all the people that have, you know, spoken to me about, you know, the Bible and the gospel and what it means. And I’m thankful that I’m able to share these things with you. So don’t be afraid to feel like you have to know everything to be able to share the gospel. You know, God will help you in the moment. Yeah, you will mature through just doing it. So I hope that helps. And thank you for watching and have a blessed day.