College Memories: Crocodile and the Alligator Aquarium

You had a lot of nicknames in college. Have your teammates latched on the one yet? There’s been a few. The favorite one I would say is Crocodile because my pet alligator. I would say that’s probably the big one coming into it. You had to feed me today. We need more food. I spoiled the news. Yeah, I got him second or third grade probably. It’s a Christmas present. So I’ve had him a little while now. He’s probably around 4 or 5 feet. How many pounds? Crocodile or an alligator? Alligator, yeah, but I named him Croc E.J. when I was younger because I thought it sounded a little better. I would say probably 90 to 100 pounds. He’s in a big aquarium back home.