Turning Hate into Motivation: The Power of Transforming Negativity into Positivity

for the biggest hater that I have. Let me tell you something. Your words is what make me into the person that I am today. Your words are powerful. Some people need to understand that you can either take the words that come out of somebody’s mouth and make a positive of your life or you use that word and make a negative of your life. I use my biggest haters and motivate myself. So every time I think about them, I know that they are not gonna be the one to make me feel like I’m a less than a human being on this earth. I’m gonna always use your motivational words that you give to me even though it was negative and I turn it and flip it into something positive. So I’m here to tell you today thank you for pushing me to the level I am right now because there was things inside of me that I couldn’t push out without you. Thank you for doing a wonderful job in my life. Appreciate you.