Navigating Pride: Lessons on Humility and Wisdom

many of y’all know that pride is going to come. And as long as you are this side of heaven and we have flesh, which we do, we can be tempted to get into pride. Many times, you know how people are offended? We stepped on their pride. Pride is going to come, but when it comes, you don’t have to give into it. It’s not like you’re going to go through seven weeks and say, I’m good, I’ve passed the pride class. No, next week, next month, you’re going to have to have this lesson again. And as God elevates you, there’s another level of pride. When God elevates your platform and you have more followers, there’s another level of pride you got to keep underneath your feet. When you move into a bigger house, there’s another level of pride you got to keep underneath your feet. When you get married but all of your friends are single, there’s another level of pride you got to keep underneath your feet. When you started off in the storage closet but now you get the corner office in the company, there’s another level of pride that you’re going to have to keep beneath your feet. And my job is the training for the reigning to get you ready for what you say you’re believing God for. There’s benefits and it says that with the humble comes wisdom. Some of y’all need wisdom. Wisdom in your career, wisdom in your investments, wisdom in your family, wisdom of when to talk and wisdom of when not to talk and with the humble comes wisdom because humility has benefits.