Funfetti Cookie Dip Recipe: A Comical Cooking Adventure

Hey y’all! So I’m gonna make this dip that I made last year. Well, my sister made it last year, but I’m gonna make it. So here’s your ingredients. You’re gonna need this. The Funfetti, the cookie ones. Then you’re gonna need, I think, four packs of vanilla pudding. And then you’re gonna need a box of, well, a thing of Cool Whip. I’m gonna mix them in this bowl. Okay, first, let’s coat it. Alright, so, alright. So we’re gonna put four things of this in here. You wanna help? You want a screw beater? Yeah. What? What? He’s not going in there. Cat hair. Where is he? Where is he? Uh-uh! What is it about the taste? Is it about the taste? I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. Is it about the taste? It’s about the taste. Why would you do that? Yeah. Please. That wig come right off. Don’t do too much. Okay, so, the four packs are in. Can you throw some trash, please? So then, add this whole thing. What you gonna do is just mix it. You need to use one. What you gonna? How about a whisk? We’re gonna try to pour it up, pour it up. That’s all the ingredients? Yeah. Put the parmesan cheese in there. Boy! Y’all, and then you mix it up. And then you can eat it. Well, I eat it with graham crackers. You can eat it with whatever you want to eat it with. Make sure it’s mixed up very, very good. Okay. Let me stop holding my door. What, let me in, please? Let me put it in the fridge. Put it in the fridge. And it smells good. You want to eat it? This is my kickback. No! This is what it’s looking like. It looks good. Nice and creamy. Pfft! What? Looks like you ate a piece. Really, bro? Yes, I ate a piece, but we about to eat it on camera. My bad, my bad. I’m scared. Wow, it’s good. Are you ready? It’s good. Cheers! Eww! Eww! Get out of my video! It’s trying! It’s straight on. Just eat it! It’s so dramatic! Mmm! Hey, you got something over here. Is it good? Hell yeah! I love that! Here, eat it. Is it good? Oh! Oh! Hahaha! You can eat it from me! You can eat it from me! Oh, that’s almost green. Oh, that’s almost green. With all the juice back. Cheers! Okay. The bowl. Okay. We got two containers of it.