Fostering Felines: A Tale of Endless Cats and Unexpected Adoptions

Oh yeah, I kicked one. They’re everywhere. I can’t go anywhere in this house without stepping on a goddamn cat. So my wife did a thing yesterday. What’d you do? Do you want me to tell them or do you want to tell them? Because all of the kittens we were fostering had adopters. One of them fell through last minute. And what happened, babe? Your eyes fell. Yeah. So how many cats do we currently own that are ours officially, legally speaking? Not that many. Isn’t he’s perfect? He is adorable. Wait, babe. Yeah. Hi everybody. Oh, you’re all so happy. You got a pet today already. Yeah, well they want more. They’re fiends. Well, they don’t want peppers. This is the beginning of like a horror movie. Like they’re going to eat us while we’re sleeping or something. I don’t know. Yeah. Look at this. Look at that aggression. She has a big paw. For grass.