Morning Routine Madness: Getting the Family Ready for Work and School

It’s 9.28pm, my wife has work in the morning and my 6 year old just started first grade so let’s get them all ready for their big day. My wife is a pumping working mom so I think the most important thing is to have these babies charged. Does this mean full charge or it’s working on full? And I always make sure she’s got all the little parts just in case, you know, you never want to come into that situation. Just in case the hand pump and some extra bags. It’s 9.38pm, let’s pre-make her Stanley because I know she likes to bring in ice cold water to work. That way she’s not fussing with it in the morning. We’re just going to add some bottled water because the filter thing runs too slow. We’ll add the straw in the lid. It won’t fit with the straw in so we gotta put it up top. And she likes to leave the hospital for lunch which I don’t blame her so we’re just going to pack her some snacks. Chips, Rice Krispie treats, Gushers who knows, and some goldfish. 9.45pm, we’ll put the bag in the pump right here. Then we’ll do her work shoes with the socks inside of it so it’s just easy to get out the door. 9.49pm, let’s get my 6 year old’s lunch packed. We got these cool little bento boxes that has the thing right here. She wants to do cheese croissant sandwiches so no good. Let’s rip one apart. Does anyone else have a 6 year old that is obsessed with Hibari cheese? Like why? We’ll just do one slice per sandwich and that’s it. That’s what she likes. We got two croissant sandwiches. She likes the thin pretzels. Oh my god. That lid just goes right here. We’ll do a little cheese wheel thing. One little edible cookie bow doll. She’s going to love this. Chips, more Gushers, a Celsius. We’ll put an ice pack on the bottom. She should have did that first. I’m just kidding about the Celsius. Now I’m going to have three kids 6 and under all around 7am so yeah we’re going to do this ahead of time. 9.58pm, we’re just going to fill her bottle with water. And we’ll put my daughter’s shoes and socks right here next to my wife’s. It’s 10.01pm, I’m going to restart the video in the morning. We’re going to see if everybody can get to where they need to go on time. It’s 6.07pm, god help us. It’s 6.17pm, I’m going for the parent drop off look. It’s 6.22pm, we’ve got to be out of the house at like 7 or so. Croissant? Let’s make breakfast and wear a cereal. It’s your breakfast honey. 6.31pm, my wife’s getting dressed, the baby’s eating, my 6 year old’s eating, my 3 year old’s asleep so we’ll see what happens. Let’s put our lunch box in here. My wife’s wallet, AirPods and keys, Stanley, my daughter’s cup, coffee for Joey Fu, some Nestle sugar free french vanilla. 6.34pm, just put coffee in a glass and then add your creamer. Want a coffee or an energy drink? Sam likes the stock coffee. Italian sweet cream. Let’s repeat coffee in the cup and creamer. Oh she left me leftover cereal, score. 6.39pm, check my wife’s car for the boogeyman. Good? Good? She likes the peekaboo. We’ll start the car, she likes it warm. 6.42pm, let’s put the rest of her stuff in. You good? 6.46pm, come back. Oh my 3 year old’s awake, the gang’s all here. You want a cheese quesadilla for breakfast? 6.50pm, we’ve got to leave in like 10 minutes or I’ll make a cheese quesadilla real fast. I don’t care, I just want her to eat. 6.53pm, we’ve got to leave in like 7 minutes because the lines are always crazy on the first week. You go get the treat. This thing is like smoking. I got that. 6.59pm, let’s get all these kids in. 7.02pm, she’s got to be there at 7.30pm and yesterday the line was like 45 minutes. 7.05pm, we’ll bring Hugo for good luck. 7.07pm, I’m about to run out of gas. 7.15pm, just got to the school, there’s already a huge line. And I forgot a pacifier for the baby. 7.22pm, just pulled into the school. 7.26pm, back at a standstill. Love you so much, have a good day. I held her first. 7.28pm, she made it just on time, right before the first bell. 7.36pm, if you can’t find a paper towel for the gas, it’ll just use a sock. 7.47pm, have a good day everybody.