Budget-Friendly Meal Prep Tips for Adulting: Feeding Two for a Week Under $100

I’ve never gone grocery shopping to feed me and my boyfriend for a week under $100. In this new journey I call adulthood, I’m trying to figure out like what’s the easiest way to live while also working and like for me personally going to school. And honestly, if I don’t have like prepped meals, I will be eating out and I will be wasting money and I don’t have the money to waste right now. So with that being said, here’s what I’m doing kinda right now to like have food every day, not spend a lot of money and like just live a life, you know? So it all starts with the basis of your meal. I saw someone on TikTok say they basically cooked different ingredients, like kinda like a line cook and then put them all together in different ways to have different meals throughout the week. So I did carrots, spaghetti squash, and potatoes for my three bases. And then from there you add a protein. We personally do chicken or eggs because I don’t eat red meat. And that typically covers your lunches and your dinners. And then what we’ll do is we’ll get sandwich meat and bread to kinda like have a meal in case we run out of food or don’t feel like cooking, whatever it is. We’ll also try to get like two healthy snacks. So today it was hummus and pita chips and then bell peppers, cream cheese, pepperoni with a little everything with the bagel. And then I prep food on Sundays and Wednesdays for the weekdays, but the weekends, you kinda need to get a little better. We’re still figuring that out. So yeah, that’s how I’m currently adulting. We’ll see if it gets better or worse when I start school. Who really knows? Okay, go and cook, bye.