Remarkable Dedication: A Student’s Journey to Achieving College Dreams

To whom it may concern, I would like to go to your college. Wow, this essay is amazing. I’ve been working since six a.m. to midnight for the past four years, just to earn the right to apply to your university. I would like to go to your college because I am smart. My mom says so. How have I made contributions to help my community? I founded a nonprofit that solved world hunger. I make my community better with warm smiles and hugs. Heart. I’ve taken 16 AP classes. Wait, am I a junior in college already? Extracurriculars? My grandmother’s pool did have a diving board. I was pretty good at that. I would like to be on your diving team. I’m the president of so many clubs and activities, I don’t have enough space to list them all. This application’s amazing. I’m only gonna send this one because with my very average statistics, I’m a shoe-in. Okay, one down, 24 more to go.