Ending the Epidemic of Online Hate: A Call to Kindness on Social Media

Can we please all just stop being dicks to people on social media? I’ve been making content on social media for over a decade now. I’ve been working in social media for over five years and it is getting worse. The things that people are saying in my comments sections, in my influencers comments sections, in my clients comments sections, it’s fucking horrible. I have sat and watched the content that Chris Olsen has made over the last week talking about his experiences and it breaks my heart because he doesn’t deserve that. My clients don’t deserve that. I don’t deserve what I get in my comments. I’m going to put some trigger warnings here and then I’m going to show some comments just to give you an idea of how bad it is. All I’m doing is teaching people how to use social media and talking about freelance life. All Chris Olsen is doing is having some fun and being an influencer. All you creators should not be subject to the horrible things that we have to see in our comments section but we are. People need to realise that influencers are real people with real feelings and be a little bit fucking nicer. People need to realise that there are actual people behind brand accounts on social media that are reading the comments that you are putting on these brands and are feeling it because that is their hard fucking work. It’s so easy to just be nice. It’s so easy to not be a dick. So can we please just all agree to not be a dick on social media anymore? I just need to say something because this conversation is happening right now and this is something that I have so much experience with and people don’t realise how bad it can be and how much it can affect your mental health and just like Chris Olsen said, the solution is get off the apps. But one, what if the apps are your job? Two, I should not have to give up the space that I’m taking up on social media because of the comments from some negative dickheads. So stop being a dick and then I can do my job in peace and not have to dedicate some of my time with my sessions with my clients as a social media mentor to talking them through how to deal with hate comments because it’s the part of my job I hate most and I would like to not have to do it as much. Please thank you. Have a wonderful day. Bye.