Breaking Generational Curses: A Night of Deliverance with Dr. Bobby Ian

God bless you family, Dr. Bobby Ian. Have you ever wondered why, even though you’ve been paying tithe, sowing seeds on the altar, giving as much as you can, engaging altars, certain evil cycle keeps running in the family and it’s like you’re tired, you’re restless, you just don’t know what to do. Tonight, I’m gonna preach a message on battles against generational curses. You’re gonna understand where generational curses starts from, how it runs through bloodlines, and what we must do to eliminate generational curses. Meet me tonight at 7.30 p.m., 1959 Parkour Court, Street C, Atlanta, Georgia, Stone Mountain, and it’s our night of deliverance and engaging altars. The prophetic is going to be very strong and sharp. So invite a friend to invite a friend to invite a friend. I can’t wait to see you. See you tonight, Rock Hill Church.