Building Kitty City: TikTok’s Support & Future Steps

We’ve done the math and TikTok has now funded 9.5% of Project Kitty City thanks to an onslaught of over 2000 comments on our last video in support of building a massive outdoor catio, I’m talking McDonald’s Play Place for the 5 cats that are currently living in this campground. After earning $95.04 of the $985 needed from the first video, in order to have TikTok fully fund this project we would now need exactly 2,545,714 people to watch this video for at least the first 5 seconds. Which you have done at this point. So thanks again. Unfortunately TikTok only pays out if our videos are a minute long, so here I am as a grown man drawing this video out, asking for comments, favorites, likes, shares, anything else that can help allow me to build a Kitty City for my cat so that he has more opportunity for organic social interaction with other traveling cats. After earning our first $95 that all of your watch time is directly responsible for, we’ve already ordered the next expansion from a brand that is coincidentally called Kitty City. If any of you felt compelled, you could also reach out to them and tell them the news of our Kitty aspiration. It could be a very interesting twist to make this project a reality on a little bit faster timeline. If you’ve stuck around this long, thanks again. The longer that you watch, the closer and closer we get to accomplishing this architectural feat and potentially the most wholesome cat talk content of 2024. Long live Kitty City.