Unpacking My Single Status: Reasons Why I’m Still Looking for Love

Here’s some reasons why I personally think that I’m still single. I’m currently in the car rider line to pick up my son from school so I have some time to spare. I would say the biggest one for me is dating with a child. And this is just because like you’re dating for yourself but you’re also dating for your child as well. Like this person has to get along with your kid just as much as they have to get along with you. Now on the flip side of that I find that men are perfectly fine with me having a kid. What they’re not fine with is my son’s father actually being active and in the picture. Once they find out that he’s an active dad and actually in the picture they always disappear or they shy away. Another one is when men meet me they tend to think that I’m really ditzy and like dumb and stupid. But I’m actually not dumb at all. I’m actually really smart and so when they realize that they tend to like realize they can’t do a number on me. And they run away or they disappear. I also think I’m single because I think I’m very much in my masculine energy. I have not had someone come along and allow me to be in my feminine energy. I have to take care of myself 24-7 me and my son. So I just feel like I’m very much in a masculine energy. I’m so open to someone coming in and like changing that. Like I just I need someone to do it right. Another reason why I think I’m single is my location. I live in Atlanta and it’s like literally on the charts for the worst city to date in and I can agree with that. I think my location is not where I’m supposed to be and it’s hard to date here. And then I’m also getting older so I’m 30. I’ll be 31 next month and men like younger women. Like it is what it is. They like younger women. So I definitely think I’m getting older. So that kind of you know plays into it a little bit as well. I feel like dating is such a numbers game and I also feel like you have to have a lot of luck. And I feel like I just haven’t had that amount of luck to find my person yet.