Casual Girly Vibes: Styling an Everyday Brown Dress from Primark

I don’t know what to wear. I generally don’t know what to wear today, guys. Does anyone else ever have those days? Like, you’ll have clothes, but you still don’t know what to wear. Well, the weather’s nice. And you know what it is as well, I’m not really doing much today, and I don’t like to waste outfits. I don’t like to put an outfit together, and I’m like, oh, I wish I wore this to go out, or I wish I got photos in this. That’s another thing as well, so I’m just like, what do I wear? Like, every day I have to decide what to wear and what to eat. Like, those two things are probably one of the most annoying things to decide, what to eat and what to wear. Can I just have someone that does it for me, any of the stylists and any of the chef? So, I think I’m gonna go with this brown dress. I got this from Primark, actually. I have not shopped in Primark in ages, like, actually bought items. I mean, I’ll get like my vest and like, underclothes from there, but I don’t really buy like clothing items, I don’t know. I’m always like online shopping for clothes, so it’s very rare that I actually walk into shops and buy clothes, but yeah. I saw this cute little brown dress that I thought was nice. I got it in a size extra small. I did try on two extra small, I’m quite petite, but yeah, it was too tight, so I got it in extra small instead. But yeah, I think it’s quite cute. It’s kind of like an everyday dress. I like the little detail it has here. So yeah, let’s just put this on. This dress is so cute. Ah! It’s so cute on, like I think it’s so, so cute. Like Primark, ah! This is nice, I feel like this is like an everyday kind of dress. Cover the bra. We don’t want that showing. I’m not doing anything today, I’m just chilling. But like this is okay for that. I don’t really know what shoes to wear because I don’t wear brown shoes. Please don’t look at my nails, guys. Like they really need doing. My nails need doing, my lashes need doing. Yeah, they’re all gonna be done next week. Like next week is maintenance week, so yeah, until then, this is how we’re going. We’re going natural. I need to take my hair fever tablets because yeah, I’m not trying to die today. Bag, I’ve got a brown bag, so I mean, brown, brown. This bag, I mean, it’s a different brown, but I feel like it still looks fine to go with the brown. Like it’s not completely different. I feel like it’s just the lighting a little bit because in person, they literally look nearly not the same. It’s just shoes. I’ve got a nude pair of sandals, a nude and black pair of sandals, and a white pair of sandals, so yeah, I’m just gonna have to see which one. I’ve got these sandals, yeah, and I don’t know which one to put with it. I feel like, I don’t know. I feel like the balls might be too much. How cute are those balls? Yeah, I need an outfit for these or I might just save them for my holiday. I’m thinking white or nude, and I feel like it’s going to be the nude because, yeah, I feel like it’s gonna be the nude. I feel like the nude goes best maybe. Yeah, guys, nude shoes, and then brown, nude and brown go all right, so yeah. I feel like the white would be too bright. This is my sign to get some nude shoes. I’ve gone with the nude shoes. And I need to be getting going. This is adorable, but I need to fit so well. I love these little sandals as well. They’re like tight up at the back, like little ballerina shoes. I absolutely love it. But yes, guys, this is the look for today. Casual girly vibes, yes.